Friday, March 29, 2013

Easily Delete Online Accounts From Facebook, Google, Twitter and From More Than 500 Web Services

 Making an account at Google, Hotmail, Skype, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and at many other online websites is fairly easy, in fact now a days almost any second website requires you to make an account at their website in order to use their services. But due to any reason if you decide to delete / deactivate your account, some websites are not so user friendly and won’t have a direct method to do that. That’s why most of us simply leaves our useless accounts in an idle state and pretend that everything will be ok. However it’s always recommended to properly deactivate or delete your online account from any website, once you decide not to use any service from them.

 AccountKiller is a website which helps you to delete / deactivate your online account from more than 500 well known websites. 

Just visit the AccountKiller website, type the web service name (from which you want to deactivate / delete your account) or search the website name from the list and follow the Instructions listed over there. It also contains direct links to the main website from where you can easily delete / deactivate your account.

In order to simplify the process and for better understanding, AccountKiller has used 3 color codes to explain you the complexity of the deletion / deactivation process. At AccountKiller website, you will find that some websites are highlighted with black color, some with grey and some with white. 

Websites in "white" means the process is fairly easy and requires only few clicks to delete an account from there. "Grey" means the process is neither very difficult nor so easy. But "Black" means that the process is very difficult or not possible at all.
What more interesting about this AccountKiller website is that it provides you almost complete information related to account deletion / deactivation and including removing of any third party link-ups. 
Important Note
Last but not least, once you click any website / service name at the AccountKiller website, carefully read the instructions given, follow the direct links, do read Tips and also the people comments given at the bottom of the page (many times you find very interesting information at the commenting area as well)
Last Words

AccountKiller is a pretty straightforward website, which simply offers you the links to the pages which you can use to delete / deactivate your account from many online web services. Just bookmark the website and visit it when you have to do such thing.
Visit the website and then share your Comments / Feedback below.

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