Many free recharge tricks are available on the internet,But most of them are fake.Specially,Recharge coupan code generator trick.So don’t wate time for searching this kind of stuff on the net.Here i am sharing latest free mobile recharge trick working with airtel docomo aircel idea bsnl vodafone and most of other telecom operators.Actually This is not a trick.We are earning points buy playing games
and participating in referral program. Playing game is very easy
job.Most of games are very interesting.So play game and earn recharge
for free !!
This Free mobile recharge trick is easier than the recharge tricks like way2sms recharge. In this trick you can gain points by playing games or by inviting friends(Referral Program). After Collecting points you can redeem it as mobile recharge for any mobile service provider like idea, airtel, vodafone, bsnl ,aircel ,docomo, tata .indicom ,reliance ,uninor, videocon, mts etc.Personally i have played games on this site and got free recharge of 100 rs on my airtel number.So this trick is works hundred percent for you and It is tested and verified by me.
To get free mobile recharge you have to to do register and just play simple and interesting online games. If you are getting bored or lazy like me just handover the laptop or computer to kids at your home.They will enjoy the game and you will collect points for your free mobile recharge.
Most intresting thing is that the minimum payout for free recharge is only 10 rupees.So play games more and earn points more !! you can also get addition points by inviting peoples through your referral link.You can use social media sites to invite people to join the site.If the User will join the site through your referral link you will get 1 rs/-
This Free mobile recharge trick is easier than the recharge tricks like way2sms recharge. In this trick you can gain points by playing games or by inviting friends(Referral Program). After Collecting points you can redeem it as mobile recharge for any mobile service provider like idea, airtel, vodafone, bsnl ,aircel ,docomo, tata .indicom ,reliance ,uninor, videocon, mts etc.Personally i have played games on this site and got free recharge of 100 rs on my airtel number.So this trick is works hundred percent for you and It is tested and verified by me.
To get free mobile recharge you have to to do register and just play simple and interesting online games. If you are getting bored or lazy like me just handover the laptop or computer to kids at your home.They will enjoy the game and you will collect points for your free mobile recharge.
Most intresting thing is that the minimum payout for free recharge is only 10 rupees.So play games more and earn points more !! you can also get addition points by inviting peoples through your referral link.You can use social media sites to invite people to join the site.If the User will join the site through your referral link you will get 1 rs/-
Latest Working Free Recharge Trick 2012 [Airtel Docomo Aircel Idea Bsnl Vodafone and more ]
- First of all go to the site given below and register on the site.It will take less than a minute
Get Free Recharge-Register Now !!
- After regestring on the site go to your mail box and activate the account for [OGN]
- Now you have to just one thing ,Its playing games more and more.. The more game you play you will get more recharge.Please not that Play a Single Game for At least 5 minutes to Get Points.Addtionally you can Get More Points By playing Different Games (important).Once you collect Rs 10/- you can recharge your mobile from the site.You can get more points by inviting friends and driving unique vistior to the OGN.per 1000 vistior you will get Rs 250/- For that you can use social sites and blogs for promoting.
- you can get some quick points by linking your facebook account and Google account with the free recharge site.