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Monday, December 31, 2012

Personal Growth Happens at the Edge of Your Comfort Zone

Everyone dreams of living a comfortable life. No one wants to be disturbed by menial chores and uncomfortable situations.
But the reality is no matter how much luxury you have, you life will start getting bored if you just lean back relax and do nothing significant. Excitement lies in taking up new challenges and it is not easy or comforting but it is better than boredom.

Back in 2008 when I traveled out of India for the first time, I felt very uncomfortable. I had no idea about immigration formalities and how the entire thing works. I was also concerned about safety. I was traveling alone and it was a moment to be remembered. Or rather call it an unforgettable event than a memorable one. But the next time when I traveled to China in 2009, I felt very easy and comfortable. I learned that immigration formalities are the same across all the countries and it is not a dangerous thing as long as we are alert.
Some people who read this will think… ‘is it such a big deal to travel out of India?’ and some may think ‘Wow, Deepak has traveled alone to countries outside of India at such an young age’. That’s the difference. If you do it one time, the next one becomes natural and usual.
To give you another example, I thought shifting homes was such a big deal. I recently moved and now I feel confident that I can even take another move within a few years without any worries.
The first time I went on a TV interview show, I felt almost sick. Thank Go!d I did not faint in front of the camera. And now whenever someone asks me to do an interview I hardly prepare and think about it for an hour. Same goes for public speaking as well.
Every time you cross your comfort zone boundary and discover a new place or activity, it is going to be uncomfortable. But once you do it, you grow as a person and you are now capable of growing even more and expanding your boundaries. Great people are great because they have expanded their personal boundaries so much that doing ‘difficult’ things becomes easy for them.
comfotzone and habits
Expanding your comfort zone is completely different from forming habits. Comfort zone is about doing it once with great difficulty and then it becomes exponentially easier every time you do it. Habits are easy to do the first time and becomes exponentially difficult to retain it over the long term. Some say it is easy after a month, may be, easier for the second month but not easy after years. Show me a person who is going to the gym regularly for the past 10 years! :)
Examples of expanding your comfort zone:
  • Moving to a new home
  • Changing careers
  • Visiting a new country
  • Approaching woman (for single guys!)
  • Public speaking
  • Learning a new language
  • Contacting a celebrity or a VIP
  • Driving a car or truck.
  • Learning to swim
  • Learning to cook
Just see the contrast in habits. Habits are easy to do for the first time and kind of gets difficult to stick to the routine and form a habit. In fact it is easiest the first time and becomes exponentially harder as you go along.
Examples of habits:
  • Eating only organic foods
  • Meditating every morning
  • Drinking a not so tasty health drink (Like wheat grass juice)
  • Going to the gym
  • Doing Yoga
  • Habit of reading books 1 hour per day.
Hope you got some good insights from this post. Leave a comment to let me know what’s on your mind!

Full Credit  To One Of My Friend Who Write Thiis Post : Deepak Raj
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:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer




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